The TedxHub is an organizer forum which helps organizers to elevate concerns and get other's experiences and best ways to sort them. There are many reasons for people to volunteer for TEDx Talks; for some it is an opportunity to be part of a community and friendship, and also representing and being part of something bigger, for few it's a golden chance to work with desire for knowledge and being close to the speakers, and helping them to develop the best version of their TEDx Talk, for others it's a way to enhance their skills and work experience, and to work in a cherishing environment, and there are also those who want to contribute their work skills to progress their own profile in their profession or business.
The greatest challenge is to manage and reach the people's expectations. In the beginning of your journey at TEDx event, you will start with deep, vague intentions hoping to attract noble people who share your values and vision, and Ted's spirit of ‘great ideas worth spreading'.
But in reality, there are people who come from various scenarios like different in all profiles, sizes, different personality types, and motivations. All the teams are made up of volunteers. Few volunteers are working professional who spare their time in volunteering here. As they invest their spare time in the events, they can’t deliver extraordinary things from them. One should be an experienced HR professional to deal well with these people else it can be discouraging when individual volunteers, who take up key roles, then influence their position to apply their own ideas, or threaten to leave at critical moments. We can’t ask the volunteers to stop their work and come out of TEDx. But there are some extraordinary people who are well experienced and help to sort the challenges and problems in the human organization. These people are believed in the project and can truly dedicate their body and soul to the project.
TEDx is an excellent place to learn, enhance skills and know how to put in place systems so that people/volunteers obey to rules of behavior. is very supportive in offering documentation to help write volunteer policies so that every individual understand rules of behavior and processes to address challenges. Just to make sure everyone on the same line. It is a good platform especially for the new entrants in the industry especially to nurture their skills, improve contacts, increase network and last but not the least is meeting highly experienced professional who are established in the industry.
Despite your key challenges prior to the event, your actual day just disappears into a distant memory as you listen to your speaker's talks, talk with inspired delegates, and get involved with the day which passes very quickly. Post-event it is beneficial to look at these challenges and make sure you put in place systems so that issues can be better handled.
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